Hello dear All,
last Saturday was an extraordinary Saturday. PEACE was the dominant topic in all media. And not only because of the Munich Security Conference, where Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi surprised the public with the announcement of a Chinese peace initiative for Ukraine (?) on Saturday morning. It was Yoko Onos 90. anniversary which was celebrated worldwide to honour her. Yokos name is inevitably linked for her sincere commitment to peace. Thousands of Yoko-Wish-Trees have been planted for her and tens of thousand Yoko-Wish-Tree-labels were written.
As already announced in my last post, I planted on this day a native walnut tree together with members of the park foundation and association, friends and community members of all ages in the historic Bernrieder Park, South of Munich. We started 10:15 to dig a deep hole for the tree. Afterwards, the present people hung their little labels with their wishes on the branches. Soon, the little walnut tree turned into a Yoko Ono Anniversary Wish-Tree. It was to read the desire for “peace”, “love, “health and joy of life”, but also with childlike writing:“ I wish for a white pony and that should be named Yoko“. I painted on my label a white dove on a blue background connected with the words PEACE & LOVE. At the end Bavarian pretzels and doughnuts were distributed to all.
Yokos Wish-Tree with all the many good wishes for her and the world is now facing a mighty ancient oak. The imposing tree was the first of a comprehensive mapping of 104 ancient trees, which was generously funded by Yoko in 2008. It thus helped to lay the foundation for a subsequent big and awarded biodiversity project.
I’m sure that many people will continue to join this wonderful birthday celebration activities for Yoko.
Love to my dear friend Yoko and Peace to the world,
© r.voormann & h.süßmeier